- Datasheet
Elastomeric paint for crack-bridging protection with long lasting elasticity and high chemical resistance.
Available in a 20kg unit.
Technical Description
Elastocolor Paint is a single component acrylic resin-based paint in water dispersion which forms a film on the surface due to the action of natural light.
Once completely dry, Elastocolor Paint forms a flexible finishing coat which is impermeable to water and aggressive agents in the atmosphere (CO - SO ), while remaining permeable to vapour.
Elastocolor Paint has excellent resistance to ageing, freezing weather conditions and de-icing salts, and the photochemical film which forms makes it very difficult for dirt to remain attached to the surface.
Elastocolor Paint meets the main requirements of EN 1504-9 (“Products and systems for protecting and repairing concrete structures: definitions, requirements, quality control and conformity assessment.
General principles for the use and application of systems”), and the requirements of EN 1504-2 (“Protection systems for concrete surfaces”) for class: products for protecting surfaces – coatings (coating, C) - protection against the risk of penetration (1.3) (protection against ingress, PI) (ZA.1d) + control of humidity (2.2) (moisture control, MC), and increase in resistivity (8.2) (increasing resistivity, IR) (ZA.1e).
Areas of Use
Painting cracked façades and concrete structures subject to deformation.
Some application examples
· Protecting concrete structures subject to small deformations when under load against carbonatation.
· Protecting and decorating render with micro-cracks, including render already painted, with a continuous flexible layer.
· Protecting thin, pre-fabricated structures subject to cracking.