- Datasheet
Technical Information
Nitoprime 33 is a water-based emulsion of styrene-acrylic copolymers formulated to achieve specific characteristics. It is supplied as a single component white liquid. For most applications, both industrial and commercial, two layers of primer are recommended. If the substrate is extremely porous, a third layer may be required.
Where To Use
Nitoprime 33 is the recommended primer for the Cemtop range of cementitious self-levelling floor toppings applied to concrete and cementitious substrates. The primer seals the substrate preventing the release of air by the concrete that could form bubbles in the flooring compound. In addition, it “wets” the substrate, improves adhesion between the substrate and the flooring compound and prevents the Cemtop drying out.
- Excellent adhesion to concrete and cementitious substrates.
- Excellent water resistance by the formation of a film.
- Economical, easy to use without limited pot life.