- Datasheet
General purpose, rapid setting flow-able backfilling concrete designed to eliminate the on-site bulking of underlayments with aggregates in deep section repairs.
- Pack Size: 25kg
UltraFloor Fill It
This product has been discontinued and replaced with UltraFloor QC10.
UltraFloor Fill It is a general purpose, rapid setting flow-able backfilling concrete designed to eliminate the on-site bulking of underlayments with aggregates in deep section repairs.

Pack Size: 25kg
Product Description
UltraFloor Fill It is a general purpose, rapid setting flowable backfilling concrete designed to eliminate the on-site bulking of underlayments with aggregates in deep section repairs. Its self-compacting flow properties make it a very easy material to apply to a variety of internal and external substrates. Fill It is suitable for applications from 30mm-300mm in one pass. Its rapid setting and drying properties allow it to be covered with final floor finishes within 24 hours.
Product Benefits
- No bulking out required
- Self compacting
- Cover times: 12 hours at 30mm / 24 hours at 300mm
- Coverage: 2.5 x 25kg bags approx. 1m² at 30mm
- 30-300mm depth
- 5-10 minutes working time
- 20 minutes set time
- Internal and external use
Recommended Uses
Fill It is a general purpose rapid setting and drying flowable concrete designed to eliminate the on-site bulking of underlayments with aggregates for unwanted manholes, gullies, drainage and utility channels and deep section internal and external repairs. The product is suitable for applications between 30 to 300mm and sets within 20 minutes, its rapid setting and drying properties allow it to be covered with further underlayments and final floor finishes in as little as 12 hours.
Subfloor Preparation
Apply Fill It to a sound, clean surface free from contaminants and dust. The substrate should be roughened and scabbled to provide a good bond key. It is essential that the repair edges are saw cut square to a minimum depth of 30mm. Feather edging is not recommended.
Absorbent Subfloors: Priming with UltraFloor Prime It Multi-surface primer (MSP) typically diluted 3 parts water to 1 part primer is recommended to promote adhesion, control the curing profile, give the optimum flow and handling characteristics. Allow primer to fully dry.
Non-absorbent Subfloors: Priming with UltraFloor Prime It MSP is required when applying UltraFloor Fill It onto non-absorbent or very dense substrates such as quarry tiles, terrazzo and surface applied epoxy DPMs. Apply neatly and allow primer to fully dry.
Metal: Metal surfaces or reinforced steel must be drained so that all rust and scale is removed. These should also be free from oil, grease and paint. Apply UltraFloor Prime It MSP neatly and allow primer to fully dry.
Contact Us
For further advice regarding the use of this product, technical support or a quotation please contact us.