- Datasheet
- Pack size: 17.5 litre unit
- Colours: Black, Golden Yellow, Grey, Traffic Yellow, White
Recommended Uses
International Interzone 954GF is ideal for For the protection of steelwork in areas where high abrasion and corrosion resistance are required including splashzone and subsea areas of offshore structures, jetties, decks, bridges, chemical plants, pulp and paper mills, water treatment plants and underground pipework.
Excellent resistance to cathodic disbondment, gives good compatibility with both sacrificial anode and impressed current systems, making Interzone 954GF particularly suitable for the long term protection of sub-sea structures.
Interzone 954GF can be used as part of a non-slip deck system in conjunction with appropriate aggregate.
Surface Preparation
The performance of International Interzone 954GF will depend upon the degree of surface preparation. The surface to be coated should be clean, dry and free from contamination. Prior to paint application, all surfaces should be assessed and treated in accordance with ISO 8504:2000.
Accumulated dirt and soluble salts must be removed. Dry bristle brushing will normally be adequate for accumulated dirt. Soluble salts should be removed by fresh water washing.
Oil or grease should be removed in accordance with SSPC-SP1 solvent cleaning.
Method of Application
- Airless Spray
- Air Spray (Pressure Pot)
- Brush
- Roller
Please refer to the Data Sheet for additional preparation, application and safety instructions prior to usage.
Systems Compatibility
International Interzone 954GF will generally be applied to bare steel prepared by dry abrasive blasting, wet abrasive blasting or ultra high pressure hydroblasting.
Recommended Primers for Interzone 954GF:
- Intergard 269 epoxy primer (for underwater use)
- Interline 982 epoxy primer (for underwater use)
Recommended Topcoats for Interzone 954GF:
For other suitable primers and topcoats please contact us for technical advice.
The recommended thinner for Interzone 954GF is International Thinner GTA007. However, thinning is not normally required. Contact us for advice regarding application in extreme conditions.
Maximum recommended thinning 5%. Do not thin more than is allowed by local environmental legislation.
Clean Up
Do not allow material to remain in hoses, gun or spray equipment during work stoppages. Thoroughly flush all equipment with International Thinner GTA822. Once units of paint have been mixed they should not be resealed and it is advised that after prolonged stoppages work recommences with freshly mixed units.
Clean all equipment immediately after use with International Thinner GTA822. It is good working practice to periodically clean equipment during the course of the working day. Frequency of cleaning will depend upon amount used, temperature and elapsed time, including any delays.
All surplus materials and empty containers should be disposed of in accordance with appropriate regional regulations/legislation.
Safety Precautions
This product is intended for use only by professional applicators in industrial situations in accordance with the advice given on the Data Sheet, the Material Safety Data Sheet and the container(s), and should not be used without reference to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).
All work involving the application and use of this product should be performed in compliance with all relevant national, Health, Safety and Environmental standards and regulations.
In the event welding or flame cutting is performed on metal coated with this product, dust and fumes will be emitted which will require the use of appropriate personal protective equipment and adequate local exhaust ventilation.
Contact Us
For further advice regarding the use of this product, technical support or a quotation please contact us.