- Datasheet
Available in 25kg bags
Repairing and strengthening of concrete structures that require the use of a free-flowing, ultra-high performance and high ductility mortar without using reinforcing steel in order to limit the thickness applied. Some application examples • Seismic upgrading of elements subjected to high stresses where high ductility is required. • Structural strengthening by cladding reinforced cement pillars and beams. • Repairing the lower spigots on pre-compressed viaduct beams. • Reconstructing and levelling off the upper parts of pulvinos and bearing elements of piles for motorway viaducts. • Reinstating floor slabs after removing deteriorated areas by scarifying.
Planitop HPC is a two-component fluid mortar suitable for casting into formwork without the risk of the mortar segregating. Areas up to 40 mm thick can be cast without using reinforcing steel; for thicker areas, it is possible to use suitable reinforcement steel. Planitop HPC is a ready-mixed free-flowing mortar made from two components: component A (powder) and component B (HPC Fibres). Planitop HPC component A (powder) is made from high-strength cement, selected aggregates and special additives according to a formulation developed in the MAPEI Research and Development laboratories and is supplied in 25 kg bags. Component A must be mixed with 6.5% by weight of component B (HPC Fibres) stiff steel fibres.