- Datasheet
This product has been discontinued - please contact us for a suitable alternative.
Product Description
PPG SigmaCover 240 (Amercoat 240) is a two-component,multi-purpose phenalkamine epoxy coating for industrial and marine applications.
Product Features and Benefits
- Multi-purpose epoxy for industrial and marine applications
- Strong adhesion properties, suitable for wet blast cleaned substrates (damp or dry)
- Good edge-retention capacity (> 70%)
- Low VOC, extremely low HAPs
- Resistant to well designed/controlled cathodic protection
- Good resistance against chemically-polluted water
- Good abrasion resistance
- Can be applied and cured at low temperatures
- Also available with non-skid material (supplied separately) for use on deck surfaces
- Semi-gloss finish
Method of Application
- Air spray
- Airless spray
- Brush
- Roller
Application by brush may show brush marking, due to the thixatropic nature of the paint and is most suitable to small areas, tight angle areas or for stripe coating or touch-up.
Spray application is recommended but when spray painting is not possible, brush or roller is an appropriate method. The coating should be applied with a suitable brush or short nap roller.
Coating performance is, in general, proportional to the degree of surface preparation .Abrasive blasting is usually the most effective and economical method. When this is impossible or impractical, coating can be applied over mechanically cleaned surfaces.
All surfaces must be clean, dry and free of all contaminants, including salt deposits. Contact us for maximum allowable salt containment levels.
Please refer to the product Data Sheet for further surface preparation, mixing and application instructions.
Primers and Topcoats
The following primers are recommended for use with PPG SigmaCover 240:
- Direct to substrate
- Dimetcoat Series
- Amercoat 68 Series
- SigmaZinc Series
- Amercoat Epoxies
- Sigma Epoxies
The following topcoats are recommended for use with PPG SigmaCover 240:
- Amercoat 450 Series
- SigmaDur Series
- SigmaCover Epoxies
- Amercoat Epoxies
- AmerShield
- PSX Topcoat Series
- Pitthane Topcoat Series
- Durethane DTM
- Surface should be dry and free from any contamination
- A detergent wash with Prep 88, Sigmarite 88 or equivalent is required prior to application of topcoats after 30 days of exposure
- If maximum recoat time has been exceeded, roughen surfaces
- Alkyd coatings and waterborne acrylic coatings should be applied after the film is dry to handle and not greater than three times dry to handle time
- Maximum recoating time is highly dependent upon actual surface temperature - not simply air temperatures. Sun-exposed or otherwise heated surface will shorten the maximum recoat window
- Minimum recoat interval for itself is to avoid sag problem for high thickness film. It can be applied wet on wet between stripe and main coat
Contact us to discuss other suitable primers/topcoats or for free technical advice.
Refer to product Data Sheet for required volume of thinner.
- PPG Thinner 90-58 (Amercoat 12)
Product Qualifications
- Type approval by DNV and ABS to comply with IMO Resolution MSC.215(82) Performance Standard for Protective Coatings (PSPC) for seawater ballast tanks
- NAVSEA Mil-PRF-23236(D) Classes 5,7 and 17, Type VII, Grade C (US manufacturing only)
- NAVSEA Mil-PRF-24647 underwater hull (US manufacturing only)
- Tested by NOHC as being suitable as a lining for grain storage containers
- Meets performance requirements of Mil-PRF-4556(F) for storage of jet fuels (US manufacturing only)
- Compliant with EI 1541, Performance requirements for protective coating systems used in aviation fuel storage tanks and?piping
Safety Precautions
For paint and recommended thinners see Information Sheets 1430, 1431 and the relevant Material Safety Data Sheets.
This is a solvent-borne paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of spray mist or vapour, as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed skin or eyes.
Please refer to the product Data Sheet and Material Safety Data Sheets for full details regarding the safe use of this product. We also offer free technical advice - click here to contact us.
- Low-twmperature cure down to -18C
Colour and Gloss Level
- Grey, green, yellow green, light grey
- Eggshell