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PPG SigmaDur 2800

PPG SigmaDur 2800

Brand: PPG

Description PPG SigmaDur 2800 is a two-component, air drying, high solids fluorocarbon finish. Product Details Excellent resistance to atmospheric exposure conditions Excellent colour and gloss retention Resistant to splash of mineral and vegetable oils, paraffins, aliphatic petroleum products and mild read more

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PPG SigmaDur 2800 is a two-component, air drying, high solids fluorocarbon finish.

Product Details

Excellent resistance to atmospheric exposure conditions

Excellent colour and gloss retention

Resistant to splash of mineral and vegetable oils, paraffins, aliphatic petroleum products and mild chemicals

Unlimited recoatable

Good application properties

Low surface energy, good decontamination and easy-clean properties

Cures at temperatures down to -10°C (14°F)

25% fluorine content

Colour and Finish

White and various other colours




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