Zingasolv is the recommended thinner to be used with Zinga when spraying. It can also be used for cleaning equipment.
- Available in a 1 litre and 5 litre unit.
Zingasolv is the recommended thinner to be used with Zinga when spraying. It can also be used for cleaning equipment.
Available in a 1 litre and 5 litre unit.
Product application:
Zinga - its recommended to dilute with Zingasolv by 0 to 5% (volume on volume) for conventional spraying and 0 to 25% for airless spraying. Zingasolv must be added whilst stirring.
Zinga Solv can also be used with other products from the range for example with Monoprimer for brush and roller application.
Please contact us if you require an MSDS for Zinga Solv.
