- Datasheet
Next generation universal water-based primer, sealer and stainkiller. It delivers stain blocking performance normally only associated with solvent-based primers.
- Available in; 2.5 litre and 5 litre units.
Next generation universal water-based primer, sealer and stainkiller. It delivers stain blocking performance normally only associated with solvent-based primers.

Product Description:
Bulls Eye 1-2-3 Plus is a generic type, white pigmented, modified acrylic waterbase primer-sealer stain killer & bond coat.
Recommended Uses:
Apply to interior and exterior walls, ceilings, doors, trim, fascia, soffits, foundations, railings, and related paintable surfaces. Bulls Eye® 1-2-3 Plus bonds to wood, plaster, concrete, gloss enamels, hardboard, glass and tile. Seals porous surfaces and traps most stains in the primer film – water, graffiti, grease, rust, cedar & redwood tannin, creosote, smoke damage and
asphalt stains. Allow two hours dry time when using as a stain blocker. Some stains may require a second coat. Not suitable for use on steel or other ferrous metals as flash rusting may occur.
Performance Characteristics:
• Bonds to glossy surfaces without scuff sanding
• Formulated with proprietary stain-blocking resins
• Binds moderately chalky surfaces
• Dries in minutes, can be recoated in 1 hour
