- Datasheet
A fast setting and fast curing mortar with a rapid strength gain that is resistant to chloride penetration.

LUL RapideSet
LUL RapideSet is a fast setting and fast curing mortar with a rapid strength gain that is resistant to chloride penetration, consisting of a blend of natural cement based binder, specially selected dried graded aggregates all passing a 250 micron sieve and food grade retarders.
- Yield: Generally, 1 x 15 kg bag of LUL RapideSet mixed with 3 litres of water will produce approximately 6 litres of finish mortar
- Pricing: Please contact us for a free quotation
Product Description
LUL RapideSet is based on a Natural Cement based binder concrete repair mortar, it is an environmentally friendly, very fast setting, high early strength concrete repair material that starts to set in 8 minutes.
The product only requires to be added to water and mixed for 2 minutes (see mixing instructions for further details), and unlike most other manufacturers products does not require primers, bonding agents and or curing agents. It can be used in cold & wet conditions, sets under water and from a minimum of 2 mm can be, if required, built up layer on layer to any thickness. Once it has set allow at least one hour before applying any finishes.

Recommended Uses
- Chemical Resistance
- Concrete Repairs
- Horizontal
- Vertical
- Overhead concrete repairs
- Patching floor screeds
- Repairs to sewers
- Work around the sea
- Where early strength is required
- Wherever pollution or chemical attack is likely
- Utilities
- Construction
- Civil Engineering
- Railways
- Sea Defense
Product Advantages
- Fast setting
- Excellent adhesion
- Low shrinkage
- Low modules of elasticity, which make it very effective on poor or friable substrates
- Excellent resistance to pure water & sulphated water
- Excellent resistance to aggressive chemicals
- Very good cohesion and mixing
- Fine compact surface
- No curing necessary. It can be coated, covered or painted as soon as setting is complete
- Can be used in wet conditions
- Can be used under water

Natural Cement Product Range
NATCEM Tank | NATSEAL | Grout 105 | CWG Grout |
LUL RapideSet | ShotCrete AS90 | ShotCrete 430F | ShotCrete 437F |
ShotCrete 513 | ShotCrete 530 | TrackCrete | WaterStop |
Related Product Videos
The following videos feature NATCEM 35 - please refer to the product data sheet for full instructions regarding the use of LUL RapideSet.
Surface Preparation
Please refer to the product data sheet or contact us for advice.
Please refer to the product data sheet or contact us for advice.
Please refer to the product data sheet or contact us for advice.
LUL RapideSet should be removed from tools and equipment with water immediately after use.
LUL RapideSet is packaged in a polythene inner bag with a resealable tie within a stitch sealed woven polypropylene outer bag, which should be stored in dry conditions and will last for at least twelve months.
We strongly recommend the use of gloves, goggles and mask. A full material safety data sheet relating to this product is available - please contact us to request a copy.
Contact Us
For further advice regarding the use of this product, technical support or a quotation please contact us.