- Datasheet
Environmentally-friendly, fast-setting, fast-curing mortar that is resistant to chloride penetration.
- Pack Size: 25 kg bag
- Approvals: Approved for use in public water supplies. Reg. 31 approved

- Reg. 31 approved for use in public water supplies
- Yield: Generally, 1 x 25 kg bag of NATCEM 35 mixed with 3.6 litres of water will produce 10 litres of finished mortar
- Pack Size: 25 kg bag
Product Description;
NATCEM 35 is a fast-setting and fast-curing mortar with a rapid strength gain that is resistant to chloride penetration, consisting of a blend of NATCEM Reg.31 Cement Binder, specially selected dried graded aggregates all passing a 2 mm sieve and retarders.

Recommended Uses;
- Waterproof renders
- Work in and around sewers
- Industrial floor repairs
- Work in food factories
- Concrete repair
- Work in and around the sea
- Animal sheds and silage pits
- Garage pits
- Basement tanking
- Farm yards and cess pits
- Pipe joints and benching
- Sealing garage pits
- Fast general repairs and construction work
- Work wherever pollution or chemical attack is likely
- Suitable for overhead and horizontal work
- Setting holding down bolts
- Floor screeds
- Bedding blocks
- Stone and bricks
- In contact with potable water
- Fine moulding
Product Advantages;
- Fast setting
- Excellent adhesion
- Low shrinkage
- Low modulus of elasticity makes it very effective on poor or friable substrates
- Excellent resistance to pure water and sulphated water
- Excellent resistance to aggressive chemicals
- Very good cohesion and mixing
- Fine compact surface
- No curing necessary. It can be coated, covered or painted as soon as setting is complete
- Can be used in wet conditions
- Can be used under water
- High Strength
- Low carbon dioxide permeability
- Low water permeability
Setting Times;
NATCEM 35 is designed to commence setting at 35 minutes and finish setting at 40 mins at 20°c. In winter NATCEM 35 can be used down to 0°c. The set will be slower but can be accelerated by using warm water. In very hot temperatures the set will be faster and can be slowed by using cold water.
Surface Preparation;
Do not use on frozen or over heated substrates (Outside the range of 0°c - 30°c). Prepare the surface in advance to provide an adequate key. On glazed brickwork the joints should be raked out and the surface bush hammered to form a key. The surface to which the NATCEM 35 is applied should be clean, free from dust and thoroughly dampened. Where necessary steel or aluminium mesh can be used. Ensure that a 10 mm minimum thickness of material is obtained.

Mixing and Application;
Please refer to the product datasheet for details.
Clean all tools with water immediately after use.
We strongly recommend the use of gloves, goggles and mask. A full material safety data sheet relating to this product is available - please contact us to request a copy.
Contact Us;
For further advice regarding the use of this product, technical support or a quotation please contact us.