- Datasheet
Ultimate primer, sealer and stain killer. It offers unparalleled adhesion on any surface without sanding and has the hiding power to conceal the toughest of stains.
- Available in; 1 litre, 2.5 litre, 5 litre and 10 litre units.
Ultimate primer, sealer and stain killer. It offers unparalleled adhesion on any surface without sanding and has the hiding power to conceal the toughest of stains.

Product Description:
Shellac-Base, Primer-Sealer / Stain Killer / Bond Coat.
Recommended Uses:
Recommended for application to interior ceilings, walls, doors, trim, cabinets, furniture, and related paintable surfaces. Exterior uses are limited to spot priming only.
May be used to block water, grease, rust, smoke, asphalt, graffiti, and many other types of stains.
Performance Characteristics:
• Dries in minutes, can be recoated in 45 minutes
• Superior adhesion to glossy surfaces without scuff sanding
• High-hiding formula blocks stubborn and persistent stains
• Seals porous surfaces with excellent enamel holdout
• Can be applied in freezing temperatures
• Permanently blocks every kind of odour
• Seals bleeding knots and sap streaks
• Dried film is non-toxic and hypo-allergenic
