- Datasheet
For interior and exterior walls, doors, trim, panelling, siding, window frames and shutters – any surface where a fast-drying, high hiding, high-adhesion primer is needed.
- Available in; 1 litre, 2.5 litre, 5 litre and 10 litre units.
Universal interior and exterior, water-based, primer-sealer.

Product Description:
Zinsser Bullseye 123 All Surface, All Purpose Stain Killer Bond Coat Generic Type – 100% acrylic resin water-based Interior / exterior stain blocking primer sealer.
Recommended Uses:
Apply to interior and exterior – walls, ceilings, doors, trim, fascia, soffits, foundations, railings, and related paintable surfaces. Bulls Eye 1-2-3® bonds to wood, plaster, concrete, gloss enamels, hardboard, glass and tile.
Provides a rust inhibitive coating on iron railings, steel frames, piping, etc. Resists the growth of mold and mildew on primer film in damp, humid environments. Resistant to high pH surfaces (up to 12.5) including; plaster, poured concrete, concrete block, stucco and ‘hot’ joint / texture compounds. Seals porous surfaces and traps most stains in the primer film – graffiti, grease, rust, cedar and redwood tannin, creosote, and asphalt stains. Some stains may require a second coat.
Performance Characteristics:
• Fast drying – may be recoated in 1 hour
• Adheres to glossy surfaces without pre-sanding or deglossing
• Rust inibitive coating
• Resists mold and mildew on primer film
• High pH resistance (up to 12.5)
• Seals common graffiti stains
• Excellent enamel undercoat
• Compatible with oil or latex topcoats
• Clean up with soapy water
