- Datasheet
Similar product to Fillcoat, but with fibres that allow for crack bridging as far as 2mm wide.
- Available in a 1 litre, 5 litre or 20 litre unit.
Stops leaks instantly, crack-bridging.

Technical assistance, product support and guidance are all available, just give us a call; 01937 586311, email us; uksales@newguardcoatings.com or click on the enquiry form below, we’re here to help you.
Similar product to Fillcoat, but with fibres that allow for crack bridging as far as 2mm wide.
- Repairs holes and cracks up to 2mm instantly
- Faster and cheaper than calling the plumber
- Excellent adhesion to various substrates
- Can be applied in all weather conditions
- Direct repair of gutters, roofs, chimney stacks, pipes and more
Instantly waterproof elastic paint with crack-bridging fibres for roofs, non-walkable terraces, gutters, ridge-pieces, chimney stacks, pipes, etc.
Recommended Use
Waterproof finish of roofs, non-walkable terraces, gutters, ridge-pieces, chimney stacks, pipes, etc. Product is recoatable with Dacfill, Coating PRT or Dacfill HZ.
Technical assistance, product support and guidance are all available, just give us a call; 01937 586311, email us; uksales@newguardcoatings.com or click on the enquiry form below, we’re here to help you.
