- Datasheet
Technical Information
Nitocote SN502 is a single component penetrating silanesiloxane system which penetrates into porous substrates and then reacts to produce a bonded hydrophobic lining to the pores. Although allowing passage of water vapour from the substrate it significantly reduces the absorption of water and water borne salts. Nitocote SN502 does not discolour most substrates and has excellent resistance to weathering.
Where To Use
To protect atmospherically exposed reinforced concrete structures from attack by chloride ions and water intrusion. The product is also suitable to protect other cementitious substrates and masonry. Nitocote SN502 is suitable for use on all types of structures, including those in coastal environments. It is equally suitable for new and existing structures.
- Penetrates into substrates
- Non-staining
- Reduces water and chloride intrusion
- Increases freeze thaw resistance
- Minimises efflorescence
- Allows water vapour to escape from the structure
- Chemically resistant to ice melting compounds, fuels, oils and atmospheric contaminants