- Datasheet
Technical Information
Nitomortar HB is based on a high performance solvent-free epoxy resin system. The special lightweight filler is specifically designed to give excellent ‘hanging’ properties for vertical and overhead work. Nitomortar HB is a three-component material supplied in pre-weighed quantities ready for on-site mixing and use.
Where To Use
For the fast and permanent reinstatement of concrete, particularly where resistance to chemicals is required. Nitomortar HB can be used for small, localised patch repairs and, because of its lightweight nature, is ideally suited for use in vertical and overhead locations, and for emergency repairs where fast strength gain is important. When properly compacted, the mortar is highly impermeable. For fast repairs to floors and other locations subjected to wear and abrasion, the use of Nitomortar S is recommended.
- Lightweight formulation enabling high build, thereby saving time and expense
- Obviates the need for formwork
- Early development of strength minimises disruption
- Highly resistant — unaffected by a wide range of chemicals
- Extremely low permeability
- Equal to the strength of high quality concrete within 3 days
- Pre-weighed components ensure consistency