- Datasheet
Technical Information
Nitoseal® MB175 is a flexible rubber-bitumen joint sealant with excellent slump resistance. Nitoseal® MB175 stiffens to form a firm seal after application. Atack free surface will form within 1 or 2 days depending upon the conditions of exposure and ventilation, however the nature of bitumen means a slight ‘sticky’ feel will persist.
Where To Use
- For sealing joints in flashings, guttering and sheet laps
- An integral part of the Proofex waterproofing system
- Firm flexible weather resistant seal
- Excellent slump resistance
- Excellent immersed adhesion
- Compatible with asphalt or bituminous surfaces
- Unaffected by alkalis or sulphates
- Easily gunned
- Suitable for joints up to 40 mm wide
