Technical Information
Colpor 200PF is a two component cold applied pouring grade sealant for pavement joints. It is flow applied into the joint either directly from the can or using a Fosroc G Gun. Colpor 200PF retains its movement accommodation of 25% on butt joints throughout the extremes of temperature, it does not harden in cold weather nor become excessively soft, or pick up in hot conditions. Colpor 200PF is resistant to jet blast and is suitable for concrete runways and hardstandings. Colpor 200PF is suitable for areas where fuel spillage is likely. In trafficked areas the maximum expansion joint width should not exceed 30 mm, wider joints are likely to suffer mechanical damage. It is necessary to recess the level of the sealant 5 to 8 mm below the pavement surface, the depth is dependent on the season and temperature at the time of sealing. Additional protection for the joint aris can be provided by chamfering the top edge. The width/depth ratio of the Colpor 200PF seal should be 1:1 to 1½ :1 subject to a minimum 10 mm depth of sealant (example, contraction joint: 15 mm wide x 13 mm depth; expansion joint: 25 mm wide x 20 mm depth).
Where To Use
For the sealing and maintenance of joints in concrete roads, concrete runways and hard standings. Colpor 200PF is particularly suitable for sealing areas where fuel and oil spillage might occur such as aircraft hardstanding areas, oil terminals, garage forecourts, parking and cargo bays
- High durability and long service life
- High movement accommodation
- Cold applied — no heating equipment required
- Fuel, oil and hydraulic fluid resistance
- Jet blast resistant