- Datasheet
Technical Information
Mapefloor I 302 SL is a two-component, high solids content, epoxy resin-based formulation according to a formula developed in MAPEI research laboratories. It complies with standards applied in the foodstuffs sector - EN 1186, EN 13130, and prCEN/TS 14234 - as well as the Decree of Consumer Goods, which represents the conversion of the European directives 89/109/EEC, 90/128/EEC, and 2002/72/EC for contact with foodstuffs and with HACCP regulations. Mapefloor I 302 SL is used to form seamless coatings specific for cleanrooms in class ISO 3 particle emissions and class -5.7 VOC emissions according to ISO 14644-8 standards and has excellent resistance to attack from microorganisms according to ISO 22196 and ISO 4628-1 standards. Coatings made with Mapefloor I 302 SL prevent Radon (radioactive natural gas present in the soil) from penetrating inside buildings. It complies with DIN ISO/TS 11665-13 standards, it is verified and certified by the IAF-accredited laboratory for radionuclide analysis. Mapefloor I 302 SL is a highly versatile product and may be used to form both self-levelling and multi-layered coatings on floors. Mapefloor I 302 SL is particularly suitable for the food industries and cleanrooms. After application, the treated surfaces are seamless and with an attractive finish. Mapefloor I 302 SL can also be used as a binder for "Terrazzo alla veneziana" resin based systems, such as Mapefloor System 35 F/M.