- Datasheet
Technical Information:
Mapefloor I 500 W is a two-component fillerized epoxy resin formulate according to a formula developed in the MAPEI R&D laboratories. Mapefloor I 500 W is highly versatile and is used to create protective coatings permeable to water vapour. It is suitable for use, therefore, on damp substrates or on substrates with capillary rising damp. Even though Mapefloor I 500 W is a water-based product it does not shrink, and the thickness of a dry layer is virtually the same as that of a wet layer. Also, since Mapefloor I 500 W is a water-based product, it is safe for the environment and so particularly suitable for the foodstuffs industry. After application, surfaces are seamless and flat with a highly attractive finish. Mapefloor I 500 W hardens even at low temperatures (around +8°C) and may be applied on concrete after only 7 days of curing. Mapefloor I 500 W is strong, has excellent resistance to chemicals and abrasion and may be used in both selflevelling and multi-layered coating systems. Mapefloor I 500 W complies with the principles defined in EN 13813 “Screeds and materials for screeds – Materials for screeds – Properties and requirements”, which specifies the requirements for screed materials used in the construction of internal floors.
Where To Use:
Mapefloor I 500 W is a two-component epoxy formulate in water dispersion used to create self-levelling and/or multi-layered resin coatings permeable to water vapour with an attractive, smooth or non-slip finish on industrial floors.
Some application examples:
▪ Coating floors in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries.
▪ Coating floors in the foodstuffs industry.
▪ Coating floors in laboratories.
▪ Coating floors in mechanised warehouses.
▪ Coating floors in shopping centres.
▪ Coating floors with no vapour barrier.
▪ Coating floors in underground car-parks.