- Datasheet
Technical Description:
Mapegrout SV T is a one-component, pre-blended, shrinkage compensated thixotropic mortar in powder form, made from special hydraulic binders, high-strength cement, graded aggregates and special admixtures according to a formula developed in MAPEI’s own research laboratories. Available in Grey or Black. Mapegrout SV T is suitable also where large thicknesses need to be applied (up to 5 cm), in specially-prepared areas without the use of formwork. Up to 12 cm where formwork is used. Thanks to its rapid hardening properties, Mapegrout SV T may be stepped on and opened to rubber-wheeled traffic after only 2 hours from application at a temperature of +20°C. Thanks to its special composition and the admixtures contained in the product, the mortar has high mechanical properties even after a long period of time, is impermeable to water and is considerably resistant to abrasion
Where To Use:
· Repairing concrete elements, including those on a slope. · Repairing industrial floors, and for construction work on roads and in airports which need to be quickly reopened to traffic.
· Fixing inspection shafts and manholes in place.