- Datasheet
Renderoc DS is supplied as a ready to use blend of dry powders which is formulated for application using the dry spray process. The material is based on Portland cements, graded aggregates silica fume, chemical additives and polymer modifiers, providing a spray mortar with low rebound and good handling characteristics. The low water requirement ensures good strength gain and long term durability. Builds of up to 150 mm vertically and 90 mm overhead can be achieved in a single application. Greater thicknesses can be achieved by multiple applications.
Renderoc DS is a dry spray material designed for concrete repairs to buildings, bridges, tunnels and marine structures such as culverts. It can be used for both isolated and large area repairs to beams, columns and panels. In addition it can be used as wide scale overlay system to increase cover to the reinforcement.
Low rebound
Can be applied at 3°C and above
High resistance to Carbon Dioxide
Excellent bond to concrete
Available in 25 and 500kg bags, 1000kg sacks
Suitable for use with cathodic protection systems