- Datasheet
Renderoc FC cementitious fairing coat is supplied as a ready to use blend of dry powders which requires only the site addition of clean water to produce a highly consistent cementitious fairing mortar. The material is based on a blend of cements, graded aggregates, special fillers and chemical additives to provide a material with good handling characteristics, while minimising water demand. The product exhibits excellent thermal compatibility with concrete and is fully compatible with other Renderoc mortars and Dekguard coatings. Not hazardous in accordance with Australian Inventory of Industrial Chemicals. Contains <0.1% RCS
Renderoc FC cementitious fairing coat is designed for application in thin layers up to 3mm to produce a fair-faced appearance to concrete surfaces or masonry surfaces in readiness to receive a protective/decorative coating. It can also be used in association with other Renderoc mortars. Under correct conditions, the product does not require an independent primer or curing membrane.
Excellent bond to the concrete substrate
Easy to use - no independent primer or curing membrane necessary
Pre-blended to overcome site-batched variations - only the site addition of clean water is required
Contains no chloride admixtures
RCS (Respirable Crystalline Silica) Hazard Free.