- Datasheet
Supercast Crystalline Watertight Additive is designed for use as an integral waterproofing admixture for ready mixed concrete. It is based on a blend of Portland cement and selected active additives, supplied as a grey chloride-free powder. Supercast Crystalline Watertight Additive is supplied, pre-weighed in water soluble bags, for easy dispensing.
Production of watertight concrete for above and below ground level conditions
Concrete for liquid retaining / excluding structures
Concrete for aggressive exposure classes
Reduces porosity and permeability
Promotes self-healing of static cracks up to 0.4mm
Suitable for structures subjected to sustained hydrostatic pressure
Increases water resistance and corrosion resistance
Chloride free. Ideal for concrete containing embedded steel
Pre-bagged powder for easy dispensing
Easily dispersed throughout concrete mix
BBA accredited, certificate no. 21/5849
Can form part of a complete waterproofing solution in conjunction with the Fosroc range of membranes and drained cavity systems.